Silkscreening & Work Update, New T-Mobile Phone Speculation!
I’ve been very busy as of late with my NASDAQ internship and summer classes. I’ve been learning how to silkscreen. If you’re curious about the process, head over to YouTube and pick one of the billion silkscreening tuts.
Last week I made my first set of books in class. The joy of silkscreening is that you can mass-produce your own art. I made a set of 8 accordion books. I only needed one, but decided to make more for the heck of it. No idea what to do with the other 7, though… Maybe someone is interested in buying one? :P
Here’s what they look like:
The front cover
First page
The inside
I loved making them and will be making another book very soon. Hopefully I can continue silkscreening after the class ends.
Right now, the crew at NASDAQ and I are working on a new website for their Events team. The people there do a magnificent job with their MarketSite Bell Ceremonies, and the past two websites haven’t done the company justice. For historical purposes, here’s a screenshot of the past two websites:
The first version. Cute, but outdated.
The second looks more outdated than the first.
Right now I can’t reveal what the new version looks like, but it will be revealed very soon. Everyone is excited and loves how the site looks, and I’m happy to be a part of the process.
Besides work and school, I’ve been staring at the new phones T-Mobile will be getting. I’m really encouraged to spend some of my hard-earned cash on more than one phone.
The closest to release is the Motorola CHARM:
It’s positively adorable and apparently very compact. I like the form factor and simplicity of the phone, and the fact that it’s still an Android phone. It’s great for BlackBerry users.
Besides this phone, there are rumors about T-Mobile’s first HSPA+ phone. It might have a QWERTY, which is my criteria for buying a new Android phone. For more info, check out the best T-Mobile tracking blog, TmoNews.
Now that the gallery’s been fixed and the site is in order, I feel very happy!
Good night, all!
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