Looking for Internships
Even in a normal economy, looking for an internship can be really tough. Over the past month, I think I’ve sent out nearly 20 resumes and only gotten a response from one company. That company turned out to be almost 2 hours away by train, so I had to politely decline. Sad.
I found a pretty cool site the other day, One Day, One Internship. I think it’s nice that they take their time out to research internships in different states for students and those looking for entry-level stuff. They also have a website for regular jobs. How sweet!
I have a lot of things, such as new sketches and a billion comics, but I’ve been kinda busy, not to mention the whole snow day thing and my need to be in it.
A website I finished work on has gotten loads of good reviews:
“The company’s website is awesome!!”
“Not sure if you received this yet but the site is quite impressive. ”
“In case I didn’t mention it before, this new website is definitely something to be proud of. Simply fab!”
I’m so glad people enjoyed the website. The best part of being a designer is making people happy and seeing a satisfied look upon their faces. Click here to see a demo of the site.
I guess that’s all for now! ♥
Upcoming talks
I don't have any upcoming speaking engagements. If you're interested in having me speak, get in touch!
Want to talk?
Got feedback, looking to suggest a future writing topic, or want to invite me to speak at your organization? Send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!